Monday, February 21, 2011

War on Workers in Wisconsin

It's the middle of February, barely 6 weeks after the right-wing puppet governor, Scott Walker, took over the State of Wisconsin. He, along with his anti-democratic, anti-worker Assembly Republikkkans, are taking orders from the obscenely wealthy Koch Brothers, a Kansas conglomerate that funds climate-change deniers, and anti-union candidates.

It's hard to convey the feelings that go along with uncovering the deeds of these "evil doers" (as G.W. Bush might say...), but it is important that we, the working people of this country, the front-line fighters in the war, get it together and stop these billionaires NOW. Before it's too late. Before the great experiment in democracy is but a brief paragraph in a textbook, written by our enemies.

You can start taking action right now by never buying these products, because buying them puts money into the hands of the Koch brothers, who will use it immediately against your very self interests. And thank you to the Silenced Majority Portal.

Boycott Koch Industries Products - Climate Deniers & Tea Party Backers
A list of Koch Industry/Georgia-Pacific Products:
Angel Soft toilet paper
Brawny paper towels
Dixie plates, bowls, napkins and cups
Mardi Gras napkins and towels
Quilted Northern toilet paper
Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper
Sparkle napkins
Vanity fair napkins
Zee napkins

Other KOCH brand names under their Invista division: