Sunday, September 28, 2008

Today's rant - September 27, 2008

The early days of Autumn, the last blast of 80-degree days, and cooler nights. Not to fear, though. We've still got six more weeks of hot air as this two-year-long election campaign finally winds down. This campaign for u.s. p-resident has been going on too long, mostly because the current p-resident became such a huge liability that even his own party was in a hurry to get beyond the bush era. I've almost worn out the Mute button on the remotes in the house, trying to avoid the yammering that masquerades as news and as analysis anymore.

Lard hep us. Now we're in the home stretch and the talking headz are besides themselves talking over each other. Just what we need -- more White Men Talking. Who won the debate? Did McBush's attempt to duck the debate cost him? Did his joke in Scranton offend enough Irish to make a difference for Obama? Does Palin's living in proximity to Russia qualify as "foreign policy experience"?

Here's a couple things I really want to know: Do the evangelicals give a crap about anything but their self-fulfilling armageddon prophecies? Do the anti-abortionists give a crap about any of those babies after they're born? (Rhetorical need to answer....) Why am we, the working people, elected to pay for the looting and pillaging that has gone on since Raygun de-regulated the whole stinkin' country?

Do any of you feel like your needs will be addressed by EITHER of these two candidates? Have you seen who's financing both of these campaigns??? What do you expect when we get candidates bought and paid for by the rich, the lobbyists for global corporations, and the RWNCOA (that's Right-wing Nut-Cases Of America)? As Molly Ivins always said, "Ya got to dance with them what brung ya."

Change is coming, alright. Yup. Be afraid. Be very afraid.