Saturday, November 28, 2009

If women were doing this, they'd be burned at the stake

"In Dublin the Abusers Were Protected"

But no, it's men, hiding under their priestly frocks, doing their dirty deeds for centuries and intimidating the victims and their families into silence. So of course no one even puts the word "evil" together with the word "men." Nor do they consider that the entire institution is corrupt.

The secrecy and silence that the churches have used to build their pedophile empire must end. How convenient that they've managed to do this while blaming a woman ("Eve") for everything.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

People who live in glass houses....

This is the kind of dope on the DOPES that I have hoped for for decades. I want people to be exposed for their hypocrisy, and I want the SHEEPLE to stop believing the "holier than thou" manipulators, be they religious bs artists or politicos. Anybody else have any inside info on those who pretend to be perfect, please pass the info on to The Daily Kos.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Women Stand Against Extreme Patriarchy in Iran

It's the Handmaid's Tale on steroids. Women enslaved, and god/religion used as the justification. Women raped, and then punished for it by death (usually by burying her in sand and stoning!) Women blamed for men's inability to control their sexual and violent urges. And where has the West, the bastion of freedom and equality, been? Standing with hands in pockets. Making the world safe for sharia law in Europe and the U.S. Where is the International Women's Protective Army? Obviously men will not free us. It requires women around the globe to stand up for their sisters and pressure each government to stand against the brutal repression of women by Extreme Patriarchy!
Our sisters in Iran deserve our support!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Would somebody PLEASE put the last nail in this coffin???

Sure'n it must be Sunday, my day to preach. This news just added lighter fluid to the pile of faggots building at the feet of the Catholic church:

Pupils Abused For Decades in Irish Schools
Panel Finds Misconduct by Priests, Nuns Until 1990

LONDON, May 20 -- Thousands of children were physically and sexually abused by priests and nuns in orphanages and reform schools in Ireland from 1930 to 1990, a government commission said Wednesday in the first official accounting of the full magnitude of a scandal that has wrenched the deeply Roman Catholic nation.

The 2,600-page report, which capped a nine-year investigation, said rape and sexual abuse were "endemic" in boys' institutions funded by the state but run by the church. "A climate of fear, created by pervasive, excessive and arbitrary punishment, permeated most of the institutions and all those run for boys," it said.

The commission said documents found at the Vatican showed that religious orders knew of numerous abuse complaints but covered them up, worried more about scandal than about protecting children.

The Christian Brothers ran many of the residential boys homes in Ireland, and more allegations were made against it than against all the other male religious orders combined. The Christian Brothers successfully sued the commission in 2004 to keep its members unnamed, noting that many of the brothers were dead and could not defend themselves.
View the 2600 page report:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Increased persecutions of child "witches"

Is your child a "witch"? If the child lives in Nigeria, and possesses any of these traits, yes indeedy, he or she must be a witch.
* cavorting
* learning disabilities
* stubbornness
* ailments such as epilepsy
Who can tell if a child is a witch or not? Wait for it -- THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Deja Vu all over again. "The role of the international Christian community in this cannot be underestimated," Foxcroft said. "Unfortunately, the fact remains that this belief system is being spread by so-called Christians."
These are the same people (or close church relation, anyway) of the people who believe abortion is a sin, that deprives a creature of god a chance to live. And what do these church people do with the children brought to life in this loving environment? Beat them, torture them, kill them. With god on their side, I'm sure.

Marilyn French, feminist author, died May 2, 2009

The author of The Women's Room, one of my favorite feminist fiction novels, had these coupla things to say, which I quote here for posterity:

“My goal in life is to change the entire social and economic structure of western civilization, to make it a feminist world.”

“I was always a feminist, because to me a feminist is simply any woman who thinks women matter as much as men do.”

“All the women I know feel a little like outlaws.”
Thanks for Violet Socks for collecting some of the best quotes.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The patriarchs are addicted to violence because...

And we wonder why we have the level of violence on earth that we do....

"It's well known that TV violence holds an attraction for most viewers and this attraction translates into ratings and profits. Because of this most media executives have been reluctant to admit that media violence is in any way responsible for violence in our society.

If it weren't for the ratings and profits involved, producers would undoubtedly be much more willing to acknowledge the harm in TV and film violence and do something about it.

Instead, we have such things as the American Medical Association finding that shows that in homes with premium cable channels, or a VCR or DVD... '...children typically witness 32,000 murders and 40,000 attempted murders by the time they reach the age of 18.'"

"Because ours is a puritanically-based society and we have problems with depictions of sex, we tend to eroticize violence. For many people this creates an unfortunate, often even unconscious, link between sex and violence." from Sex Research, Censorship, and the Law)

The puritanical roots of our culture, mixed with a steady dose of violence coming at us in high-def, have made sex inseparable from violence. It seems only logical to assume that the same is going on under the robes of the islamic fundamentalists, even without the benefit of a daily dose of fictionalized violence. Their doses come from what you might call extreme reality tv. Every time I read about another woman (especially rape victims!) whipped or buried in sand and stoned, I smell extreme patriarchy, barely camouflaged raw sexual sadism.

The patriarchs of this "religion" prescribe sadistic whippings, stonings, and murder as "religious" punishments for male-defined infractions of religious code. Who benefits from this "religion"? Men. Who enforces the bizarre, blame-the-victim rules? Men. Who pays the price? Women, mostly, but both women and men all around the world pay it, too, in many ways.

If you peek under the robes of history, you'll find sado-masochism in nazi germany, the reformation, the crusades, the burning times, sharia law. These political and/or religious episodes, cleverly disguised as religion or state, institutionalize the physical abuse of the "weak" (women, children, jews, homosexuals -- whoever the dominant male designated as "other").

The primary output from these events is sexual sadism. No wonder the mullahs wear robes -- they need them to cover up the state of arousal they enjoy as voyeurs.

Yes, I know the following information comes from a "right-wing" web site, but it pretty well sums up what I'm trying to say. Why otherwise would male islamic soldiers voluntarily become suicide bombers if it weren't for the promise of a rewarding afterlife raping virgins???

The following quote is from Islam is to religion as sadism is to human

"Comparatively, it is imperative to comprehend that a sadistic person is not after sex, he seeks a sick way of dominance and pain over his victims, he wants to be in control of the action. A person being raped, for example, really has no control over the situation, the subject literally being coerced.

Violence, weapons, injury, or torture fascinates a sadistic person just as it fascinates an Islamist. Both enjoy getting their subjects (be it humans or animals) to do what they want them to do by frightening them through a series of intimidation, fear and terror. Both take pleasure in the psychological or physical suffering of others.

This is exactly how the Islamists have been ruling over a peaceful and sophisticated country, Iran, for 30 years. They have completely restricted the activity and independence of the people of Iran. In the cycle of prison horrors and terrors, the Islamic Republic of Iran uses many old Soviet techniques, ranging from harassment, intimidation and tortures, to mechanical devices designed to inflict gross tissue damage. They employ psychological and physiological techniques, (an example is Ziba Kazemi's case, an Iranian-Canadian journalist), such as solitary confinement and sleep deprivation. The Islamic Republic's lackeys are commonly using these techniques on the Iranian youth while the Islamic Republic dreams of world Shi'a domination."

God save me from your followers!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Too big to fail? Then it's too big, period

Too big to fail? Then they're too damn big. The gluttonous era of one corporation swallowing another whole, and becoming mega-international conglomerates that are too big to inspect, govern, audit or correct, must come to an end.
I never thought I'd agree with anything published in Business Week, but this issue of bailing out monster corporations that have looted and pillaged the global economy has me and millions of others seething and hopping mad.
"The last time I got screwed I at least got kissed"
Who said it first? I dunno, but it sure fits the current situation. Sure...let's give bonuses to the bastards who brought down the house of cards. They certainly deserve more money...more money out of MY pocket. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Thanks, Bush, Cheney, and all yer buddies. And now back to blaming Obama for this mess.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is it Spring yet?

It's about time to take up the keyboard again. I admit that getting through the last several months of the dubyah regime took everything I had, and even in the waning days I kept expecting him -- er, Dick -- to pull some National Emergency crap and completely suspend the Constitution, what's left of it, that is.
Oh well, sign the Indict Bush petition here:

and let's hope Obama keeps at least one cell open in Guantanamo for George, and one for Dick. Let's not forget DH Dick.

Oh yeah, and while you're on the web signing things, join the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement ( I did. "Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth's biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense."

I'm not sure about that "as we become less dense" part -- we humans are pretty damn dense, if you ask me.